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Image by Clint McKoy


We need you to help save our rivers! You can join our team, become a partner, or help us build a solution! We are not asking for any funding, just bring your energy and passion to help us with our mission to participate to do so - it is about sharing, co-creating and implementing effective solutions

We are building a new space where entities of all kinds that we call Partners, will be able to offer their CAPACITIES and RESOURCES, for the development, implementation and/or scaling of what we call SOLUTIONS already agglutinated in Clean Rivers Hub, which are already acting in various river ecosystems around the world.

Any resource already existing in your organization -human/people, technical and/or technological resources, materials, logistics...- that you want and can make available to one or more of the following Solutions


  • HUMAN RESOURCES: People who contribute with their talent, accompanying or simply helping punctually with their knowledge, skills or experience for a better development, continuous improvement or implementation of one or several Solutions.


  • MATERIAL RESOURCES: Materials of all kinds (raw materials, tools, machines, sensors, installations...) that may be used for prototyping, construction, implementation, maintenance of the SOLUTIONS.


  • LOGISTIC/OPERATIONAL RESOURCES: Includes physical means (facilities for testing, prototyping, analysis, warehouses or offices, transport fleet...) or technological/digital (artificial intelligence, block chain, geospatial, photonics, informatics...).


1.- What CAPABILITIES can be offered/demanded? There are no limits - some examples: 

Staff hours specialized in different disciplines useful to achieve improvements in products or services.
Materials for the construction or improvement of existing Solutions.
Equipment to be used by the Solutions.
Operational or organizational infrastructure.
Available accumulated knowledge.
New lines of research and development.

2.- Who can benefit?

Entities acting in river ecosystems which we call Solutions.  Previously analyzed and classified by Clean Rivers Hub through taxonomy of impact and typology of the ecosystem where they act. 
Whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit, large or small. For us they are committed people who deserve all the support of society and we simply channel the abundance of available resources.

3.- What does it mean to act in river ecosystems? What areas of action?

Awareness-raising aimed at today's decision-makers.
Preventing the entry of waste and pollutants.
Cleaning of waste and other pollutants.
Restoration of the ecosystem and biodiversity.

4.- Does it cost money to be a Partner or Solution?

No. In no case are participating organizations asked for money.
The Partners altruistically offer their CAPABILITIES for the good use of the Solutions.
Solutions use those CAPABILITIES to maximize their positive impact in the shortest possible time. We are in a hurry, a big hurry. 
They will score each other once the transfer of CAPABILITIES is done. So all parties are exposed to the eyes of all others.

5.- Can a private entity demand capabilities at no cost and then generate an economic benefit?

YES, we intend to grow the Solutions that work today, while we want to encourage the creation of new business and social initiatives that contribute to accelerate the mission of the HUB. 
Clearly we want them to take advantage of our work.

6.- Can a public administration demand capabilities at no cost that save them public resources to carry out the projects?

Public administrations are not categorized as Solutions, therefore they are not direct recipients, but they will benefit from contracting a mix of Solutions that do use these CAPABILITIES and that have an impact on the time and cost of the actions in "their" rivers.

7.- Is the process of awarding CAPABILITIES from Partners to Solutions automated?

The platform is designed to automate categorizations, processes, ecosystems where solutions can be applied and to promote the match between the parties, but the last word will be left to the Partner who freely provides its capabilities. Validating with a click the request that will come from the Solution previously analyzed and classified by Clean Rivers Hub. 
Subsequently, a mutual scoring system of the relationship will serve to build trust and generate more and bigger projects.

8.- What benefits does a Partner that offers its CAPABILITIES altruistically to the Solutions get?

What the current Partners have already told us is:

High motivation of their teams involved in "their" rivers, attraction and retention of talent, fulfillment of the SDGs in a real and tangible way, international relationships that open new opportunities, learning by innovating, sharing to hybridize technologies and processes that take them to a higher level.

9.- Is it possible to contribute with CAPABILITIES for the organization of the HUB instead of the Solutions?

YES, you can already see how Partners that take care of the HUB are joining us, because helping our organization indirectly helps the rivers. Because our organization helps the Solutions who are the ones who get their feet wet in the rivers. Therefore, all CAPACITIES are welcome.



The United Nations has named us "Official Actor" of the Decade of Earth Restoration for what they call "additionality" because we do things differently and in a different way than in previous decades. For this and other reasons we are setting ourselves up as a non-profit foundation. For this reason we are launching the foundational crowdfunding campaign where we intend to get 1000 people to support us, who are individual professionals around the world, to make visible the transversality and determination of the citizenship to complete this collective mission.

Join us! The time to act is NOW!





Can you add know-how or skills to our mission? Or join us as an entity that takes care of us - not economically, but rather with your core product/service?



Are you part of a solution to clean and restore freshwater ecosystems around the world? We want to feature you and share the work, with NO cost for you.





Would you like to join us as a volunteer? Would you like to share your skills, expertise or time? We would love to talk to you and have you on board!

Thank You - together we'll accelerate the global cleaning and restoring of freshwater ecosystems!

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